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5 Ways to Get Shredded for Summer

It may not feel like it, but summer will soon be upon us. This means ample opportunity to walk around with your shirt off and impress everyone. But right now that may not be such an appealing idea. One thing that winter always provides is a few extra inches around the waist, and a determination that you’ll be ripped by summer. But how do you go about getting shredded between now and the end of spring? Well this article will help you get there. We are going to look at five ways to get shredded this summer. Tip #1: Take stock of your current situation Before making any plans you really should take a good look at where you are currently at physique and fitness wise . If you are borderline obese and haven’t run 100m since high school then jumping into a 5 times per week crossfit program is probably not going to lead to good results! But even if you are in decent shape, you will still get huge benefits from assessing yo...
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Tips For Bodybuilders Meal Planning

Meal planning may not seem as important as designing the perfect training program. But whereas you only need one program for the year (if written correctly) your meal plan has to be re-written every week. Another difference is that whilst a training program is catering for the individual, for most people a meal plan has to cater for everyone who shares a dinner table with you . Too many gym goers have let themselves down when it comes to the nutrition side of bodybuilding, believing that working hard enough can make up for any diet short falls. Whilst this can be the case, having a poor diet will prevent you from being the best you can be . It will also make things needlessly difficult. This article is going to try and simplify the process of meal planning for you, so that you have no excuse to be eating badly. Step One. Set Goals What is it you want to achieve? Are you looking to lose body fat and get as lean as possible? Or do you need to pack on muscle? Don’t try and a...

Cheapest Sources of Protein – Build Muscle on a Budget

Protein is probably the most important aspect of muscle building, yes even more important than exercise selection, genetic potential, or how often you train. If you’re not getting enough protein then you won’t be able to build muscle . It’s as simple as that. But you know what? Not everybody is super rich. We don’t all walk around eating $30 steaks for breakfast (partly because you should never walk and eat – it’s a choking hazard). Nor can we all afford fresh venison steaks, or ostrich meat, or whatever else you see on so many food plans. Luckily this article is going to provide you with 12 high protein foods that are affordable for the common man (or woman). Each food item is high in protein, and contains a decent protein to calorie ratio. This means that it’s high in protein without also being high in fat and carbs. For this reason peanut butter is not on the list. 100g of peanut butter might contain 25g of protein, but it also contains 50g of fat, and 20g of ca...

How much protein do you really need for muscle growth?

Protein is probably the most important part of diet for bodybuilders. Yeah vegetables and carbohydrates, and “ healthy ” fats are also important but it’s protein that can decide whether you build big muscles or stay small forever. But how much protein should you be taking? Most Bro Bodybuilders don’t worry about this, they just eat as much protein as they can get their hands on, while drinking 5 protein shakes per day. It may work for them because protein will a) fill you up more than any other macro – making it difficult to overeat, and b) protein raises your metabolism more than any other macro – due to it being the most difficult for the body to break down. But aren’t there issues with overeating protein? Many people will tell you that too much protein can damage your kidneys, plus if you are following a calorie controlled diet, then wouldn’t too much protein lead to fat gain ? In this article we will attempt to answer these questions, before giving you an ...

Natural Testosterone Boosters: The Ultimate Guide

What is testosterone and what benefits does this hormone offer? If your testosterone levels are low then you will struggle to build muscle , and will likely be susceptible to fat gain. Is there a solution? There are many different ways to boost your testosterone levels naturally including the use of supplements, like those we’ve compared in our best testosterone boosters article, as well as diet, exercise and lifestyle choices. To boost your natural testosterone levels I would recommend that you continue reading. Contents [hide] 1 What is Testosterone? 2 What are Hormones? 3 Symptoms of Low Testosterone 4 Why do Testosterone levels fall? 5 What are Normal Testosterone Levels? 6 Benefits of Normal Testosterone Levels 7 Boosting Testosterone Through Diet 8 Exercise Tips to Boost Testosterone 9 Lifestyle Changes for Low Testosterone 10 Our Final Testosterone Boosting Tip What is Testosterone? Testosterone is a male sex hormone, produced in the testicle...

Bodybuilding Workouts for Mass

If you are looking to pack on some hard core muscle , then choosing the best work out to suite your training needs and goals should be top of your agenda (don’t forget that a diet plan also has an important part to play). There is a huge variety of work out available so you need to have a baseline knowledge of the factors that contribute to you gaining some serious muscle mass . A work out program that incorporates all of the principles will add to the success of your training schedule. Let’s briefly discuss some of the popular work out structures and give you a sample work out to try. This strategy will give you the option of tailoring any of the work outs to match your unique training needs. Are you ready? The 5 x 5 Set Up The 5 x 5 training plan is very popular amongst bodybuilders who are pursuing large gains in strength and muscle mass . It is simple to follow – you execute three exercises that focus on the main muscle groups, these incorporate both lower and upper...

Stronglifts 5×5 for Muscle and Strength

If you are trying to build muscle and strength and are looking for a program that can help you with these gains then no doubt you have heard about the Stronglifts 5×5 program. This program claims to be the simplest and most effective way to get stronger and to build muscle while burning fat, but how does it work though, and is it really as effective as it is claimed to be? History of Stronglifts 5×5 Lifting 5 sets of 5 reps is not a new concept, as it was originally conceived by Reg Park in the 1960s, who created a similar program. His program used a variety of different exercises, but did include the ‘ big three ’ (the squat, bench press and deadlift). A while later, in 1976, Bill Starr simplified this program , cutting it back to the ‘ big three ’, along with other full body movements like the power clean and overhead press. Stronglifts 5×5 took this program, replaced a few of the exercises and the newly evolved program is what we see today. How to perform Stronglifts ...